Lady Gaga – The Bona Venture

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Lady Gaga

Ads are the third team at Super Bowl


Everybody has already heard of the heroic (or in some fans’ case, annoying) performance by Tom Brady and the New England Patriots to comeback from a 28-3 deficit to win the Super Bowl. The game itself is the reason why millions of Americans watch the annual showdown every year, but the entertaining commercials and breathtaking…

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Gaga goes country on Joanne


Lady Gaga released Joanne, her fifth studio album, last Friday and there’s one overarching takeaway: there’s just about nothing “Mother Monster” can’t do. Opening with an enchanting Lana-esque build, the installment’s lead hit “Diamond Heart” builds a forceful first track, with Gaga belting, “I might not be flawless, but you know I’ve got a Diamond…

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Grammy greatness


By Nicolette DiMura Staff Writer   A-list stars such as Beyoncé, Jay Z, Ed Sheeran, Paul McCartney, Miley Cyrus, Rihanna, John Legend and others walked the red carpet for the 57th Annual Grammy Awards which took place at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, CA. on Sunday Feb. 8. The show opened with an introduction…

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Gaga should be applauded for positive message

Image courtesy of yogadork.com

By Deirdre Spilman Opinion Assignment Editor If you type “Lady Gaga” into the Google search engine the first suggestion that appears is “Lady Gaga fat.”  Now that’s despicable. If Gaga is considered fat, everybody above a size two should be considered morbidly obese. She looks as if she would rank evenly with a toddler on…

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