letter to the editor – The Bona Venture

St. Bonaventure's Student-Run Newspaper since 1926

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letter to the editor

Letter to the Editor: A poem from the Urban Art Club

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We honor and celebrate the life and tireless work of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Please remember, as this man demonstrated, your words are only a supplement of your spirit and your actions. As this piece shows, race and identity are significant to our past, constantly evolving in our present and will be…

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Letter to the editor: Alumnus encourages Bonnies to visit Mt. Irenaeus


If I close my eyes, I can still see it. You know, the path leading up to the chapel, the last leg of the journey to the summit of Mt. Irenaeus. It is beautiful, still, quiet. What defines it is not so much the chirping of birds or the feel of soft wind on your…

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Laugh Pack comics apologize for show


Letter to the Editor Last week, the Laugh Pack, the comedy club at St. Bonaventure University, held a very disappointing stand-up comedy open mic. Multiple people got up and left after they felt offended by some of the jokes our comedians told to the audience. As the club leader, I send out my deepest apologies…

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Letter to the Editor: Feb, 14 2014

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In regards to an opinion piece, titled “Unapologetic WolfPack,” published online on Feb. 6, 2014. As I was the focus of this exercise in opinionated homerism, allow me an opportunity to defend myself, given that Mr. Laurrie went so far as to question my ability to uphold journalistic integrity over a series of Tweets he’s…

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Letter to the Editor: Kevin Ware’s gruesome injury highlights risks and sacrifices facing college athletes

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Sports enthusiasts enchanted by the phenomenon that is March Madness were horrified by the horrendous injury sustained by Louisville’s Kevin Ware during his teams Elite Eight match up against Duke. The fact that it happened in real time should serve to accentuate the audience’s appreciation of sacrifices that college athletes pay to play ball and…

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Letter to the Editor: Campus has enough student parking given enrollment

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There is more than enough student parking on campus, despite what many SBU students think. I do not think the column that appeared in last week’s issue of The Bona Venture accurately depicted parking for students on campus. Students should realize there is more than enough parking on campus for them. They should not get…

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Letter to the Editor: Jeff Peterson remembered as loyal to friends, faculty and St. Bonaventure

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Jeff Peterson’s obituary, published Tuesday, told us what Jeff did during his life. But the obituary didn’t say what kind of man he was. Jeff liked to laugh and make others laugh. One time, he walked past my office when a work day had stretched into evening. “I don’t know if you’ve heard,” he said…

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Letter to the Editor: Writer was wrong on NYS gun law, mental health

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As a licensed clinical social worker and practicing psychotherapist, I would like to take issue with the column Kevin Rogers wrote for the Jan. 25 issue of the Bona Venture under the title “NYS Gun Control Law Destroys Doctor-Patient Confidentiality.” Rogers’ central contention is that the recently passed gun law is bad because it “nullifies…

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Letter to the Editor: Rathskellar does have proper fire exits

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While I truly appreciate Elizabeth Grady’s intention in the Feb. 1 edition of The Bona Venture to shine a light on fire safety issues after the Brazilian nightclub tragedy, I must take exception with her assertion the campus’ Rathskeller has only one fire exit. The Rathskeller has three emergency exits clearly marked with lighted exit…

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Student grateful for Bona’s aid after Sandy’s destruction

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If there was ever any doubt in my mind on whether I chose to attend the right university, there is no question I know the answer now. St. Bonaventure University is a part of me forever after what occurred over the past week. As most people know, my family and I were badly affected by…

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Former BV editor finds issue in political fairness

in Letter to the editor/OPINION by

In the March 16 issue of  The Bona Venture, a column by Chris Graham appeared under the title “Action should be taken against Limbaugh.” As a former editor of The BV (school year ‘46-’47), I must express wonder at the obvious discrepancy between the title and the writer’s expressed admiration of the First Amendment for…

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Letter to the Editor: NCAA appearance wasn’t just about scores or brackets

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Dear campus community,    As I was leaving the PNC Arena in Raleigh, an elderly Notre Dame alumus, dressed in the dreadful green that N.D. seems to love, stopped me. He wanted me to know why the Bona fans didn’t seem to understand the score. I assured him that we certainly understood the reality of…

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