ministry – The Bona Venture

St. Bonaventure's Student-Run Newspaper since 1926

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Farm to Table program looking for students


By William McDonough, Staff Writer For those interested in getting paid to help those less fortunate, the Franciscan Center for Social Concern is offering an opportunity this summer. They are offering four paid positions for the Farm to Table program. Students who take part in the program will be provided with free room and board…

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Students and faculty welcome at MCCFM


By Natalie Forster, Staff Writer St. Bonaventure, the man this university was named after, spent an incredible amount of time on the idea of community and brotherhood. The friars and staff thought that it would be fitting to host their own dinner to spread the joy of the holidays for students unable to go home…

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Service trip seeks to provide perspective


Service trips are different from the usual tourist attraction or vacation because they focus on the ministry of presence. “Instead of doing and fixing, focus on being and be present to other humans who live in these countries,” said Maggie Morris Kibler, former director of Franciscan Center for Social Concern. Kibler and Jeff Sved, current…

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Bonaventure group volunteers to help refugees

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By Lian Bunny Photo Editor A Cuban couple walks into Saint’s Place, an organization dedicated to helping refugees. The woman is blind, and her husband is severely impaired. The husband walks over to the closest wall and points. The volunteers try to figure out what he wants. He continues to point to a small American…

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Merton makeover


By Amelia Kibbe Features Editor In the center of campus sits a small building with a big history. The home of university ministries, the Thomas Merton Ministry Center, has been the site of many activities for decades. This fall, talks began of the possibility of a new center. In 1954, the building which now houses…

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