opinion – Page 23 – The Bona Venture

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opinion - page 23

Some students are clean but not sober


 By Deirdre Spilman   Assistant Opinion Editor    As a self-proclaimed mysophobe – or as they are more commonly known, germaphobes – I am never without access to hand sanitizer. Whether it is inside my backpack or attached to my keys, I have to be able to eliminate 99.9 percent of germs 100 percent of…

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Slurs don’t warrant dishonorable discharge

Image courtesy of cnn.com

  By Nate West    Assistant News Editor    The First Amendment to the United States Constitution gave Americans freedom of speech. Tell that to U.S. Marine Sgt. Gary Stein.     Stein is currently looking to avoid an other  than honorable discharge by a military board for Facebook jabs he took at the expense of our…

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North Korea missile launch should be seen as a threat


By Matt Butler   Associate Editor      After yet another failed missile test, North Korea has once again further distanced itself from peaceful international relations by violating the United Nation Security Council’s resolution that forbids the country from launching ballistic missiles.     The missile launch took place last Friday evening despite warning from the…

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American children shouldn’t have to worry about hunger


By Angelia Roggie   Features Editor      Children throughout the United States go hungry every day and can’t get the nutrition they need. How many? Sixteen million — the population of Los Angeles, Chicago, New York City and Philadelphia combined to be exact— according to the Food Network  documentary “Hunger Hits Home,” which premiered…

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Don’t discriminate by weight


   By Matthew Laurrie   Assistant Features Editor     You apply for a job, your application is flawless, you nail your interview, your references give stellar recommendations and you are ready to pursue a new venture in life. But, there’s one small snafu: you’re, shall we say, on the heavier side. That’s an automatic dismissal…

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Women should run cautiously

Image courtesy of living-las-vegas.com

By Amanda Klein   Advisory Editor     I love to run. I’ve run four races in the last year, and I’m training for a 10k in May. I zone out, listen to my iPod and look at the Allegheny River.     Once I hear footsteps behind me, that pleasantry fades. Panic sets in.    Even…

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Post office’s hours inconvenience many on campus

in OPINION/Staff Editorial by

 Despite the fact that practically everyone is linked in with wireless communication, the postal system has not yet become obsolete, especially not for St. Bonaventure students.     Even with our smartphones, we still make the daily trek to the Reilly Center to check our mailboxes in the hopes of finding a letter from a friend…

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Band choices should not be blamed on CAB

in OPINION/Staff Editorial by

  Many St. Bonaventure students wait anxiously to see what band or artist is chosen to perform on campus for the annual Spring Concert.    When the Campus Activities Board (CAB) announced this year’s performers Breathe Carolina and The Ready Set, some students expressed their disappointment in the choices. Some started to point fingers and…

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Obama needs to respect court’s authority

image courtesy of wikimedia.org

      The system of checks and balances between the legislative, executive and judicial branches of the federal government is essential to maintaining our system of government.      Of course, for some, the concept doesn’t quite sink in.    When commenting on the Supreme Court’s pending ruling on the Affordable Care Act, President Obama seemingly…

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Twitter revamps tragic Titanic sinking

image courtesy of wordpress.com

By Mary Best   Opinion Editor      “OMG the Titanic is sinking…those third class peeps better not steal all the lifeboats #firstclassproblems.”     Ever wonder what it would be like to have Twitter in 1912? Thanks to ambitious U.K. history publisher The History Press, anyone with a Twitter account will be able to find out.…

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Lying bride needs to pay for her crimes


By Kyle Zamiara   Sports Editor     I faked illness for high school once or twice when I was younger. I got to stay home and miss a test or a class I just didn’t want to be in. No harm done to anyone or anything, except for maybe my GPA.     Some people have…

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Sexist abuse shouldn’t have killed newborn


      For expecting parents, finding out the gender of their child can be the most exciting time of a pregnancy. Although I cannot speak from experience, I imagine most parents-to-be have an idea of what their family looks like even before laying eyes on their first child.  Parents look forward to things like family…

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Marlins manager should stick to baseball

in OPINION/Uncategorized by
image courtesy of sentinel.com

By Skye Tulio   Assistant Sports Editor      You would think Miami Marlins manager Ozzie Guillen would learn to stop talking and just focus on baseball. There’s only one thing to say in his latest situation: Oh, Ozzie.      Guillen has yet again put his foot in his mouth, publicly expressing his opinions of former…

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Former BV editor finds issue in political fairness

in Letter to the editor/OPINION by

In the March 16 issue of  The Bona Venture, a column by Chris Graham appeared under the title “Action should be taken against Limbaugh.” As a former editor of The BV (school year ‘46-’47), I must express wonder at the obvious discrepancy between the title and the writer’s expressed admiration of the First Amendment for…

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Students should support health care law

Image courtesy of washtimes.com

By Ryan DeOrdio   Staff Writer   The two-year anniversary of President Obama’s health care law has been recognized with public wariness and an ongoing Supreme Court challenge. Not only should the Court claim constitutionality, but it should also be widely supported.    Misinformation in media coverage on the Affordable Care Act is partly responsible.…

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Seniors need to start job search now


By Kait Laubscher   Advisory Editor      It’s that season once again. Midterm break has passed, and May 13 is fast approaching. The next month-and-a-half will fly by, taking seniors’ Spring Weekend and Senior Week with it. Before we know it, seniors, it’ll be May 14, and we will be college graduates.    But…

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Hoodie is not to blame in Martin’s death


By Kevin Rogers   Staff Writer   The shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin continues to dominate the news cycle. Despite this, conflicting reports and sensationalism are clouding the truth surrounding the circumstances of the shooting.    We may have logged hours of coverage, but we’re no closer to the truth than we were last…

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Google’s new patent invades users’ privacy


By Alexandra Salerno   Managing Editor   I love new technology as much as the next person, but Google’s newest patent is just plain creepy.      The patent covers technology that could potentially allow the use of targeted advertising based on background noise in phone conversations, or as Google calls it, ‘advertising based on…

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Regulating test questions censors culture


 By Mary Best Opinion Editor  It’s a little disheartening when thousands of kids will learn every Hannah Montana song, but will never know the meaning behind, “Life’s tough, get a helmet.” Regardless of what we watched on TV or where we came from, our similarities as kids help us bond with other kids and make…

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Violence shouldn’t overshadow theme

image courtesy of digrasian.com

By Angelia Roggie   Features Editor   Independence, strength, courage, overcoming adversity and standing up for what you believe. These are some of the brilliant themes that resonate within “The Hunger Games.” But parents could care less about these ideas when it comes to their children.     They choose to focus on the violent aspects…

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