Parking – The Bona Venture

St. Bonaventure's Student-Run Newspaper since 1926

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Cars Line Fire Lanes During MBB Games

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Twenty-five cars line the fire lane next to Devereux Hall Photo: The Bona Venture BY GENEVIEVE BLUMBERG    St. Bonaventure University’s men’s basketball games create an influx of cars on campus, which means visitor’s cars block the shoulders of about 1,200 feet of E Union Street — including obstructing a fire hydrant — the entire 380-foot…

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95% of Bona’s Drivers Ignore These Campus Stop Signs

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Drivers wait their turn to go through the four-way stop Photo: David Scibilia/The Bona Venture BY DAVID SCIBILIA, MANAGING EDITOR    Ninety-five percent of St. Bonaventure University drivers fail to make a complete stop at the four-way stop near the Public Bathrooms on the east side of campus unless there is a pedestrian or a right-of-way…

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Finding a spot: Bonaventure’s parking puzzle

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A full parking lot behind Shay HallDavid Scibilia/The Bona Venture BY: JULIA BABCOCK, CONTRIBUTING WRITER After a 4 a.m hospital visit, St. Bonaventure University freshmen Kayla Felder and Kaleb Rudderforth returned to campus and couldn’t find a parking spot near their dorm in Robinson Hall. This forced them to park in Lot F by Bonaventure’s…

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Parking on Campus – Present and Future

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BY DAVID SCIBILIA, CONTRIBUTING WRITER Andrew Fox, a freshman cybersecurity major,  slung the last of his clothes from home over his shoulder and prepared to walk back to his dorm in Falconio Hall. Unable to get a spot closer to his residence hall, Fox was forced to park by central receiving. Describing the parking situation…

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Summer construction brings new on-campus parking

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By Tucker Reilly, News Editor At the start of the 2020-2021 school year, St. Bonaventure University officially opened a new parking lot between the Administration Building and Doyle Hall. The lot — listed as “Lot L” or “Events Lot” on campus maps — adds 94 new overnight parking spaces and is the most recent motion…

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University adds additional parking

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As St. Bonaventure University class sizes have grown larger over the past few years, with the freshman class alone containing more than 500 students, the struggle to find parking spots has become a significant issue. To help accommodate the spreading concern of being late to classes or getting a ticket, because there seemed to be…

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Line it up: RC lot needs structure

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 If you have a car on campus, you’re probably familiar with the free-for-all parking available on the basketball courts between the Reilly Center and the Richter Center. As if students didn’t have enough to deal with as it is, they also have to deal with parking safely if they attempt to get a spot in…

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Space jams plague student workers


By Kerri Linsenbigler Associate Editor Excluding the townhouse parking lots, there are 214 available daytime parking spaces on St. Bonaventure’s campus. Of these, 163 are available for students. Out of all these open student parking spaces, none are near Hopkins Hall or the Regina A. Quick Center for the Arts, both places of student employment.…

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Letter to the Editor: Campus has enough student parking given enrollment

in Letter to the editor/OPINION by

There is more than enough student parking on campus, despite what many SBU students think. I do not think the column that appeared in last week’s issue of The Bona Venture accurately depicted parking for students on campus. Students should realize there is more than enough parking on campus for them. They should not get…

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Bona’s needs better parking options


By Heather Monahan Features Assignmnet Editor There’s no doubt St. Bonaventure is a small school compared to others. However, Bonaventure takes the small size a bit too seriously. For example, the absolute mess that is student parking. I’ll start with the ridiculousness of designated parking. When I was a freshman, the lot near the tennis…

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