Politics – Page 2 – The Bona Venture

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Politics - page 2

British Lenna professors talk U.S politics

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By Lian Bunny Co-Photo Editor This year’s Lenna Visiting Scholars traveled across the Atlantic Ocean to talk about American politics. Journalists Alan and Barbara Mackenzie presented their talk “UK: State of the Nation” on Nov. 9 to the St. Bonaventure community. The late Betty S. Lenna Fairbank and Reginald A. Lenna of Jamestown funded the…

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Athletes should have opinions


Most athletes become involved in politics often. But should they allow the playing field to be turned into political ground as well? It is obvious that athletes have the potential to sway public opinion on political issues. Athletes have immense followings, are typically trusted and well respected and are seen as leaders in our society.…

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Chatting about politics


With presidential campaigns and debates well underway, citizens have been firing opinions on candidates left and right—as have St. Bonaventure students. This year’s campaigns have featured a variety of participants: from businessmen and doctors to an ex-first lady and a brother of a former president, the multitude of politicians has given citizens a lot to…

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Shutting Down Torture


This week, President Obama finally announced formal plans to shut down the Guantanamo Bay detention camp, fulfilling promises he made to the country years ago, proving it’s never too late for a good thing. This announcement came mere days after Republican nomination candidate and renowned television clown Donald Trump voiced his support for torture techniques.…

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Rock the vote, it’s your right and duty


Voting: It’s your civic duty – that’s what I’ve heard people say. Until recently, I brushed them off along with those who swear they can save the planet one recycled bottle at a time. They are nice sentiments, but how realistic are they? I guess I never thought my vote really counted among the hundreds…

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Trumped Up


I often wonder, as an economic conservative, if Donald Trump can even understand the words coming out of his mouth. Trump has been known for saying things without thinking. In fact it has become a key strategy in his presidential campaign. During last week’s GOP debate, Trump defended his plan for a 35 percent tariff…

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A supreme injustice


In the wake of the unfortunate passing of Justice Antonin Scalia at the height of election season, the executive and legislative branches of the American government find themselves in quite the scuffle. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) does not plan on allowing President Obama to pass a new associate justice onto the court. The…

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Debating the Democrat Party


There’s an old proverb that says “the road to hell is paved with good intentions.” The policies recommended by the Democratic presidential candidates during Monday’s town hall forum were very much like this proverb; well-intended but disastrous in practice. Although, I’m not even sure they were well-intended in the first place. Democrats like Sanders and…

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War on Christmas


Corey Krajewski Staff Writer   As Thanksgiving ends, the Christmas season truly begins, bringing us glad tidings of cheer and merriment. Tragically, it also brings us the vitriolic rhetoric of the participants in the “war on Christmas.” Every year, some Americans across the nation begin to rabble rouse over either an alleged attack on the…

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College Democrats club returns


St. Bonaventure’s recent re-installment of the College Democrats club is giving students the opportunity to speak up and get involved, club leaders said. In the past, College Democrats has hosted a number of on-campus events to promote the Democratic Party, including viewings of the 2008 presidential election and political discussion panels. The club has also…

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Student political participation lacking

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Two years ago, during the 2012 presidential election, St. Bonaventure was quite the political hotbed. Students and professors pledged their allegiance to either Mitt Romney or Barack Obama, with a few disillusioned folks hoping for some third-party candidates to pull off a miracle. Student political clubs such as the college democrats and college republicans put…

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‘Olympus’ mounts a spectacle


By Kevin Rogers Opinion Assignment Editor If you’re looking for two hours of solid, go-America fun, give “Olympus Has Fallen” a look. Directed by Antoine Fuqua (“Training Day”), the film details the capture of the White House by North Korean terrorists and the subsequent efforts to rescue the president and his national security team. The…

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Cutschall to share Native culture


Jackie Roberts Staff writer   Aristotle once said, “The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.” Artists like Colleen Cutschall (Sister Wolf) proves these words to be true, though thousands of years have passed since they were spoken. Cutschall, a Native American, will be speaking at…

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Obama has earned second term as president

Image courtesy of carolineglick.com

By Ryan DeOrdio Staff Writer Two unpopular wars are ending. The world’s top terrorist has been eliminated. Unemployment has been declining. Taxes haven’t been this low since 1950, according to a Feb. 8, 2011 US News report. With domestic and foreign policy accomplishments, President Obama’s record is great. But many people are still disappointed. Obama’s…

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Disturbing ads diminish election discourse

Image courtesy of usc.247sports.com

By Kevin Rogers Assistant Opinion Editor We’ve seen some pretty crazy advertisements this election cycle from outside groups seeking to influence the presidential race. We’ve seen Chuck Norris warn Americans about “1,000 years of darkness” should President Barack Obama win re-election. We’ve seen liberal super-PAC Priorities USA link Mitt Romney’s leadership at Bain Capital to…

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University Ministries to begin series of events to coincide with election year

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By Nate West News Assignment Editor University Ministries is sponsoring Faith, Politics and Culture, a series of programs that discuss religion in politics. The first event will be held on Monday, Oct. 1 at 4 p.m. in the University Chapel. “Good Life Choice: The Formation of Conscience in the Catholic Franciscan Tradition” will feature guest…

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Pundits need to fact check in Twitter era


By Kevin Rogers Assistant Opinion Editor Twitter can be a tool for good. It can promote the occasional righteous social cause. It can be a quick and easy way to get breaking news updates. Of course, breaking news updates are only valuable when they contain accurate information. If they aren’t, Twitter becomes a tool for…

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Shinagawa is the clear choice for 23rd Congressional District

Image courtesy of rafu.com

By Ryan DeOrdio Staff Writer Nate Shinagawa, Democratic candidate for New York’s 23rd congressional seat, answers an environmental policy question as he cites pro-green technology statistics. He stops mid-sentence and asks for a fact check. Within minutes, his statements debunked.  It’s better than he thought. A $1 million investment in green energy creates 16.7 jobs,…

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Voters need to learn the facts about the candidates before speaking

Image courtesy of changethewind.org

By Taylor Nigrelli Assistant Sports Editor It’s impossible not to be bombarded by coverage of the presidential election every four years., The circus known as primary season causes the election’s to dominate of mainstream media to span over a year. The mudslinging, verbal mishaps and overall negativity of politics turns what should be an exciting…

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Mining CEO shouldn’t force Republican beliefs on employees


By: Emily Sullivan Opinion Editor Political propaganda is commonplace with an election rapidly approaching. Whether it’s a sign in your neighbor’s front yard or a TV commercial, candidates are doing whatever they can to reach out and get the votes they need. But when a commercial comes on in support of President Barack Obama, you…

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