relationships – The Bona Venture

St. Bonaventure's Student-Run Newspaper since 1926

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Pay attention to relationship red flags

in OPINION/Uncategorized by

By Olivia Boyd, Staff Writer Before I begin, I would like to preface that I genuinely don’t hate men and everyone has their own faults. However, I believe we need to acknowledge the red flags that some men give off and hopefully give some advice to these specific men. Additionally, ladies, if you’re reading this…

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Single life is becoming the new “normal”

in OPINION/Uncategorized by

By Frankie Van Sickle, Contributing Writer I never thought about dating until I got into my later years in high school. I remember being in school and hearing others talk about boys or girls that they were interested in. This was my first exposure to the dating scene. As you get older, it’s like an…

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The importance of learning self-love


In today’s culture, there is an intense pressure to be in a relationship with another person. It seems as though that is all our society celebrates; seldom do we see society putting any emphasis on bettering oneself without the assistance of a significant other. The emphasis on dating and relationships can often make those who…

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No need to wait for a knight


Growing up it seemed like every little girl wanted to be a princess, and of course every princess that college students knew growing up had a prince. Having a boyfriend almost became mandatory when playing house and then somewhere between middle school and high school popular authors like Nicholas Sparks and Stephanie Meyers defined what…

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Strangers in the night


“Some day, When I’m awfully low/ When the world is cold/ I will feel a glow just thinking of you/ And the way you look tonight.” These are the touching lyrics to Frank Sinatra’s “The Way You Look Tonight,” the song sophomores Anna Rine and Luc Pizzone danced to the night they met. Rine and…

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Editor tells parents’ love story


Let’s face it, long-distance relationships are hard. Plus, adding in some collegiate deadlines, a whole slew of obligatory meetings and the pressures of weekend life doesn’t make maintaining a healthy love life any easier. Fortunately, though, some are able to manage these pressures with an unexpectedly beautiful outcome; maybe I’m biased though, since I like…

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Facebook feature allows users to ignore their exes


Facebook users can share information with the world by writing, commenting, sharing and liking posts—and now the social media site is adding a new feature that allows ex couples to limit the amount of material they see from one another. For those going through a rough breakup, or those who simply don’t want to see…

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Dear BV,…


“I’m in a long-distance relationship and find myself thinking about it way too often. What are ways to keep myself from doing that?” ________ Long-distance relationships can certainly be difficult to manage, especially during the college years. Don’t let your emotions get the best of you. Participating in an extracurricular activity will not only keep…

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Long-distance love traverses Bona Bubble


By Heather Monahan Features Assignment Editor Picking out a box of cards with your favorite cartoon character on it and making each one out to a specific classmate before signing your name isn’t exactly complicated, but it seemed like it was when we were kids. Who should get the biggest cards? Which Valentine do you…

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Reality show highlights lack of confidence in the digital age


By Jillian Hammell Assistant Features Editor Love at first sight may be achievable for some, but how about when that first glance is discovered within one of your Internet tabs? The glance may lead to a casual Facebook stalking frenzy, which is acceptable within today’s generation. Yet when that sudden interest kindles a serious relationship,…

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