Spotify – The Bona Venture

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Trump Will Kill the Living Wage for Musicians Act


JOSEPH DEBELL: OPINION EDITOR Graphic: Joseph DeBell With Donald Trump as the incoming president, musicians’ progress toward fair compensation is at risk.  The Living Wage for Musicians Act — designed to secure better wages for artists in the music industry — is in danger of being sidelined. This legislation could become one of the casualties…

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Everyone Should Support The Living Wage for Musicians Act


BY: JOSEPH DEBELL, OPINION EDITOR Photo Courtesy @weareumaw on Instagram It’s time to tune into the reality of the music industry. The melodies we love are oftentimes composed against a backdrop of economic struggle for the artists who create them.  While the Living Wage for Musicians Act may not be a silver-bullet solution to unethical…

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Spotify’s recent decision is unethical and vague


BY: JOSEPH DEBELL, OPINION ASSIGNMENT EDITOR Spotify logo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons The recent reshuffle of Spotify’s royalty model has led the music-streaming platform to brazenly screw over smaller musicians more than ever. In short, the Billboard and Music Business Worldwide reports both highlight that the royalty-model changes will include a new threshold of minimum…

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Tune up your taste

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The incredible ability of the Internet to link together our world would at first seem to be a great boon to musicians worldwide, but for many musicians, it is still a struggle to earn the recognition they deserve. Music streaming and Internet radio services, such as Spotify and Pandora, are incredibly beneficial to the listener,…

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