St Bonaventure University – The Bona Venture

St. Bonaventure's Student-Run Newspaper since 1926

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St Bonaventure University

The Forgotten History of Bona’s Fallout Shelters


Photo of fallout shelter Photo courtesy of David Scibilia BY DAVID SCIBILIA, MANAGING EDITOR Rev. Francis Kearney, the 14th president of St. Bonaventure University, walked into his office in mid-November of 1961 — just three months since assuming the position — and saw a pamphlet on his desk. It was from The State Education Department,…

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BonaResponds Travels to Hurricane Relief Sites in North Carolina and Florida

in Club Corner/FEATURES by

Photo of BonaResponds volunteers Photo courtesy of Jim Mahar BY: JAMESON ZUBER, STAFF WRITER In response to Hurricane Katrina in 2005, Jim Mahar, a finance professor at St. Bonaventure University, created BonaResponds. The club managed to gather 286 volunteers to travel to Biloxi, Mississippi, and help relieve victims of the storm however possible.  “BonaResponds is…

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Men’s, Women’s Cross Country Place Second at Little Three Championship

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BY DAN GEYER, CONTRIBUTING WRITER The St. Bonaventure University men’s and women’s cross country teams hosted their first event of the season, the Little Three Championship, Sept. 3 at the Marra Athletics Complex.  Both teams finished second. The men placed ahead of Niagara, but fell to Canisius by 19 points. The women also placed ahead…

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St. Bonaventure has a new Captain Beer. After four years in the student section of basketball games, Dominic Grecco will be passing on the mantle to junior finance major Jace Frazier.  Grecco, a senior management major, began wearing a beer mug hat to Bonaventure basketball games in the fall of 2018, during his freshman year…

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St. Bonaventure University’s Rathskeller gets facelift

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Image Courtesy of St. Bonaventure University, no renderings are final

By Tucker Reilly Editor-in-Chief St. Bonaventure University’s rathskeller, located underneath the Hickey Dining Hall, has begun renovations. Affectionately referred to as “The Skeller” by students, plans for the renovation process have been in the works for several months. The rathskeller was last renovated in 2012, when that year’s graduating class donated $11,500 for visual and…

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Presidential search moves to new stage

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University Administration Building

BY KURT MARTONE, NEWS ASSIGNMENT EDITOR The search for St. Bonaventure University’s next president is slowly entering its final stages. The Presidential Search Committee – made up of Board of Trustees members, faculty, staff, alumni, and a student, among others – met Monday to narrow down the pool of applicants given to them by the…

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Club Corner: Campus Activities Board

in FEATURES/Uncategorized by

St. Bonaventure University’s Campus Activities Board, also known as CAB, is part of the reason why students have entertainment on campus. A club open to all majors, CAB works with student activities in order to bring extracurricular programming for students at St. Bonaventure and for the community. The members are in charge of bringing entertainment…

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Sharp-shooting Planutis ready for game action

in Men's Basketball/Uncategorized by

It’s no secret. Bobby Planutis is a shooter, and after sitting out a year per NCAA transfer rules, he’s ready to start lighting it up again from beyond the arc. This time, in game action. At Mount St. Mary’s, the six-foot-eight transfer shot 33-67 from 3-point range, which was nearly 50% of his attempts. In…

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The clock is ticking on McNall’s reinstatement

in OPINION/Uncategorized by

Every single day, I ask Carole McNall, my trusted professor and former adviser to The Bona Venture, whether she has heard anything regarding her possible reinstatement as adviser to The BV. Every day, the answer is an exasperated, “Still nothing,” a slight shake of the head or a joke to play off the delay. McNall…

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Aida Muluneh’s photographs inspire viewers


I felt a serene solitude viewing photographer Aida Muluneh’s pieces this past weekend, as I unexpectedly stumbled upon her vibrant portraits in the “Being: New Photography 2018” exhibit of the Museum of Modern Art. Now, Muluneh serves as my admitted creative muse. She elevates the craft, creating her own path – unaffected by modern thought.…

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Lacrosse preparing for new season, new rules

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By Christine Walsh, Contributing Writer As the St. Bonaventure women’s lacrosse team prepares for its season opener at Lehigh University on  Feb. 10, players reflect back on the team’s improvements during the fall season. “The fall season went very well for our program,” said sophomore midfielder Destinee Johnson. “We had 12 new members on the…

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MSA club visits the Big Apple


The Muslim Students and Allies (MSA) is a club on campus that junior Amina Golden-Arabaty started her freshman year. Two years later, the club has grown to sustain major trips. On Oct. 21, MSA took their first club trip to the Met museum in New York City, but this was not MSA’s first off-campus trip.…

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A newsworthy welcoming


    We live in a digital age. This is a reality that The Bona Venture hasn’t taken advantage of enough. As we usher in a new semester, preparing to spend late nights in the newsroom, the quality of our print publication will continue to be a priority. However, our digital presence will no longer…

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SBU supports Mizzou

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By: Lian Bunny Photo Editor   A group of St. Bonaventure students, faculty and staff gathered today at 11:45 a.m. to take a photo to show Bonaventure supports students of all color, especially those at the University of Missouri. Bonaventure’s sign of solidarity stemmed from the protests at Mizzou after university officials failed to address specific…

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SBU community must resist urge to be angry at vandals


By Dennis Riordan Letter to the Editor Last week, the urban artwork displayed in our chapel as part of the Dr. Martin Luther King ceremony was destroyed. The perpetrator(s) left behind a mean-spirited note.  Many are shocked and disappointed by what happened.  We never thought an act of such ignorance could happen here. St. Bonaventure…

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St. Bonaventure to offer phased retirement plan

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By Lian Bunny Assistant News Editor  At the beginning of the 2014-15 academic year, St. Bonaventure University will offer a new phased retirement program for long-serving faculty. Application for the voluntary phased retirement program became available to faculty with 20 or more years of cumulative full-time service as of Dec. 31, 2013. Faculty members who…

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Campus comes together to remember Tyler Davis

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By Kiara Catanzaro News Assignment Editor Any student, faculty or staff member can tell you there’s no stronger community than the “Bona Bubble,” and the campus proved that to be true while coming together during a tragic accident. Tyler Davis, a sophomore history major, went missing after an off-campus party on Friday, Nov. 22. An…

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Quick Center’s Assisi exhibit on display at NYU

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By Lian Bunny Staff Writer St. Bonaventure’s “Memoria: Assisi and the Jews” display will be showcased at New York University’s Kimmel Center for University Life through Jan. 10, 2014. This exhibition of historical pictures and texts tells the story of how Catholic clergy, private citizens and a German officer helped rescue Jewish refugees. The events…

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Bonaventure community reaches volunteer goal

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By Kiara Catanzaro News Assignment Editor St. Bonaventure University emphasizes the Franciscan tradition of service. Last week, the campus community received a challenge from the United Way to pledge 2,000 students, faculty and alumni to volunteer in 10 days. The community came together and met its goal with 2,010 pledges. Arthur Moats, a linebacker for…

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Town of Allegany grants rezoning to Bonaventure Square property

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By Nate West News Editor The Town of Allegany Planning Board granted St. Bonaventure University their request to rezone the property for Bonaventure Square, according to a Nov. 14 release from the university. The University requested the Town of Allegany Planning Board rezone the properties owned by them and Kinley Corporation for commercial use, according…

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