St. Bonaventure – Page 30 – The Bona Venture

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St. Bonaventure - page 30

Stop using Moodle as an academic crutch


By: Kevin Rogers Managing Editor  There are few things more disappointing than selling back textbooks at the end of the semester and getting a few bucks back for a book that cost $100. The financial sting is much deeper if, after 15 weeks of class, the book was hardly ever needed. In my experience, Moodle…

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Opening the doors on coed floors


By Emma Zaremba Features Assignment Editor   Traditional is typically an accurate description of St. Bonaventure. In the past couple of years, however, the Residence Life team has been making strides in changing that label. Freshman residence halls Robinson and Falconio had various coed floors last year and received great feedback from residents. The Residence…

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Staff and students ‘reflect’ on school tradition


By Jackie Roberts Staff Writer   “The Good Journey”: sounds familiar, doesn’t it? A journey beginning at Bona’s is a concept engraved in all students, whether they are a sophomore, junior, senior or even an alumnus. On Thursday, Aug. 22, St. Bonaventure University once again welcomed freshmen with a Candlelight Ceremony, so they, too, can…

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Alumni magazine raises question of discrimination

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By Nate West News Editor The Backstory  On Jan. 7, the Bona Venture received an email with the subject line ‘Potential gay rights story.’ The email, sent by an alum, brought to light the situation of his friend (also a Bonaventure alum, both of whom will remain anonymous) whose marriage announcement was rejected from the…

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Graduating editor reflects on time at The BV, what it means to be a Bonnie


By: Elizabeth Grady Promotions Editor Just four years ago, I was preparing to walk across the stage and leave high school behind with the exciting prospect of becoming a Bonnie. But, looking back, I realize I had no idea what that meant. I know I’m not alone when I sit here and reflect on how…

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Absurd dining plans need modifications


By: Kristie Schiefer News Assignment Editor As a senior heading into the 2013-‘14 academic year, I’ve considered living in a single room in Francis Hall. But that idea doesn’t look so promising to me anymore. University officials told me I would have to purchase a Bona Platinum, Bona Gold or Bona Silver meal plan. Yes,…

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Disgruntled high schooler needs a shot of humility, reality


By: Matthew Laurrie Features Editor I’d like to take this opportunity to formally thank my dream college for denying my overachieving, entitled self circa 2011. The day I received notice of my rejection from my first-choice school was – in hindsight – quite possibly the best nugget of news I’ve ever learned. And while a…

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AAF to present pitch to prepare for NYC

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By Kiara Catanzaro Staff Writer SBU’s chapter of the American Advertising Federation (AAF) will present an advertising pitch for Kwerkworks at 4 p.m. Monday in the Dresser Auditorium of the John J. Murphy Professional Building. The on-campus presentation serves as a dress rehearsal for the agency’s pitch at the National Student Advertising Competition in New…

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Six students inducted into honors society

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By Kristie Schiefer News Assignment Editor The history department initiated six new student members into its national honor society, Phi Alpha Theta, on Thursday during a ceremony in University Ministries. Inductees included seniors Jason P. Mahar and Maria C. Swieciki, junior Samuel R. Moore and sophomores Shannon K. Conheady, Harrison J. Leone and Alexandra E.…

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Becoming extraordinarily broke, one extra graduation fee at a time

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St. Bonaventure’s administration has decided to impose a troubling $100 fee on all graduating seniors and graduate students in coming years. This excessive new cost will begin with the class of 2014. We all know about the ever-rising costs these days, but what exactly do these expenses entail when it comes to graduation? According to…

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Harlem Globetrotters bring excitement to Reilly Center

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By Nate West & Jimmy McCarthy News Editor / Staff Writer On Wednesday, the Harlem Globetrotters brought their famous show to the Reilly Center, and fans of all ages were more than pleased with what they saw. “I did enjoy the game very much. It was basically a bunch of tricks with a basketball but…

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Business building houses state-of-the-art interior

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By Nate West News Editor With its exterior nearing completion, the focus of the William E. and Ann L. Swan Business Center is now turned toward the inside, according to Pierre Balthazard, dean of the school of business. The ground floor will have two classrooms and one ‘flex’ room, a room which can be used…

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A day in the life of ROTC


By Nate West News Editor Even if you go to bed at 10 p.m., 5:45 a.m. the next morning comes too early. That’s about the time cadets in the Reserve Officer Training Program wake up to head to Physical Training every day. Wednesday morning it was business as usual as they gathered in the halls…

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Woman of Promise ceremony honors Gionet

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By Kiara Catanzaro Staff Writer The Russell J. Jandoli School of Journalism and Mass Communication presented the 12th annual Dr. Mary A. Hamilton Woman of Promise Award Tuesday in the Dresser Auditorium of the John J. Murphy Professional Building. The journalism school presented the award to Madeleine Gionet, a senior journalism and mass communication major.…

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Bona’s to host National Girls and Women in Sports Day

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By Annie Riley Assistant News Editor The 27th annual National Girls and Women in Sports Day (NAGWS) will be held on campus April 23. Tim Gallagher, a counselor education and school counseling grad assistant who works with the program, said female athletes from schools in the area can participate in this event. They can take…

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Campus reacts to election of Pope Francis I

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By Matthew Laurrie Features Editor Just after 7 p.m. Central European Time Wednesday, white plumes of smoke bellowed out of the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City to signify the appointment of Pope Francis I, the 266th pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church. The College of Cardinals selected Pope Francis in a two-thirds majority vote after…

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Wojnarowski, ‘91, named sixth-most powerful person in sports media

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By Taylor Nigrelli Sports Assignment Editor Sports Illustrated named St. Bonaventure graduate and current Yahoo Sports NBA columnist, Adrian Wojnarowski ‘91, the sixth most powerful person in sports media in its Mar. 6 issue. The article, written by Richard Deitsch, listed the 10 most powerful sports media members with the stipulation that they must appear…

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Blessed Virgin Mary Statue to be restored by May

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By Jessie Manahan Contributing Writer As its 50th anniversary reunion gift, the class of 1962 is restoring the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary that usually sits in the circle between the Hickey Dining Hall and the Shay and Loughlin dorms, according to Martin Blind, major gifts officer. This project includes the restoration of the…

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Education professors recognized on Women’s Day

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By Stacia Salvatore Staff Writer The Olean Area Zonta Club recognized two education professors at Saint Bonaventure last Friday on International Women’s Day. According to The Zonta International website the goal of the organization is advancing the status of women locally and worldwide. René Garrison, program director and associate professor, received Zonta’s Celebrating Women’s Achievements…

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Campaign to raise awareness of harmful effects of alcohol and drugs

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By Annie Riley Assistant News Editor The office of Student Life at St. Bonaventure is initiating a campus-wide campaign to raise awareness of the harmful effects of alcohol and drugs through Life: It’s Up to You. The objective of this campaign is to decrease the percentage of alcohol and drug incidents on campus by 15…

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