St. Bonaventure – Page 32 – The Bona Venture

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St. Bonaventure - page 32

Hickey workers deserve more respect


By Sean O’Brien Contributing Writer As St. Bonaventure students, we are privileged to have numerous options when it comes to dining. At certain times of the day, it seems that for many hungry young minds there’s only one choice: the Hickey Dining Hall. The entire student body seems to be crammed into the Hickey at…

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Class of 2013 decides on senior gift

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By Emmariah Holcomb Staff Writer The Class of 2013 plans to update the look of campus by donating a new West Entrance sign and map for its senior gift. The senior class also plans on having a pull-off station, similar to the main entrance, set up. According to Robbie Chulick, a senior journalism and mass…

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Mike Vaccaro, ‘89, honored with Sportswriter of the Year

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image courtesy of oleantimesherald.com

By Taylor Nigrelli Sports Assignment Editor New York Post lead sports columnist Mike Vaccaro, ’89, is one of two journalists to earn the honor of being named 2013’s New York Sportswriter of the Year by the National Sportscasters and Sportswriters Association (NSSA). The NSSA annually awards the best sportswriter and sportscaster in each state. The…

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Management professor re-elected char of USASBE

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By Helen Ventura Staff Writer The Family Business Special Interest Group of the United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) members re-elected Carol Wittmeyer, associate professor of management, as chair last week during its annual meeting in San Francisco. The USASBE is the largest international organization of entrepreneurship educators. It aims to provide…

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Brunner named executive director of QAC

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Image courtesy of sbu.edu

By Nate West News Editor Sr. Margaret Carney, O.S.F., S.T.D. and Brenda McGee, senior vice president of finance and administration, appointed Ludwig Brunner executive director of the Regina A. Quick Center for the Arts, according to a Jan. 11 university press release. Brunner served the Quick’s interim director since Dec. 2011 when then previous executive…

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Nonprofit management classes to be offered to the general public

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By Annie Reilly Assistant News Editor St. Bonaventure University will offer eight courses which focus on building management skills to help professionals working in or entering the nonprofit sector. Students who participate in these courses will receive a certificate in nonprofit management, according to a Jan. 4, university press release. The classes will cover strategic…

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Prayers needed for Jeff Peterson

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By Emmariah Holcomb Staff Writer Andrew Brennan, ’10, created a Facebook page for Jeff Peterson, associate professor and Department Chair for the Department of Finance, who is battling cancer. Brennan created the page with the hopes of getting people to pray for Peterson. “I believe in the power of prayer,” Brennan said. “Many people would…

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Yellow shirts don’t define our legacy

Image courtesy of gobonnies.com

By Alexandra Salerno Editor-in-Chief Unfurl the brown and white … and yellow. Following almost a decade of the student section representing a sea of brown during game nights in the Reilly Center, the WolfPack has transformed to a blob of yellow. Now in my junior year, my previous two WolfPack shirts look almost identical except…

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Rathskeller renovations bring new life to old campus venue

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Image courtsey of sbu.edu

By Nate West News Assignment Editor The Rathskeller showcased the Class of 2012’s senior gift during its grand re-opening last Friday, before the start of the men’s basketball home opener. The class raised $11,500 through donations and fundraising. With the money, The Rathskeller was able to put in seven new flat screen televisions, SBU decals,…

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Nine Bonaventure students inducted into honor society

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Image courtesy of wmpeople.wm.edu

By Annie Riley Staff Writer Chi Sigma Iota, The International Honor Society for Professional Counseling, has inducted nine new members from St. Bonaventure. Founded at Ohio University in 1985, Chi Sigma Iota has more than 83,000 members. The new members of the St. Bonaventure chapter include graduate students Alexandra Caldwell, Casey Carlson, Colleen Chahal, Christine…

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Plassmann Hall needs major improvements

Image courtesy of thebunion.wordpress.com

By Angelia Roggie Associate Editor As students make the journey from their dorm rooms or townhouses to the academic buildings for their classes, there is one building students and visitors can’t help but notice. Approaching Plassmann Hall is like witnessing the degradation of old age before your eyes. The windows look dirty, the screens are…

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Bonaventure contributes to a successful March for Babies

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By Kristie Schiefer Assistant News Editor Since 1970, $2 billion has been raised by March of Dimes through the March for Babies walk, giving hope to more than half a million babies born prematurely each year. On Oct. 13, 23 teams from St. Bonaventure University in the Western New York March for Babies raised a…

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Unsung Heroes of Bonaventure: A BV Series


Theresa Shaffer By Mike Specht Staff Writer As the Friedsam Memorial Library has grown and changed over the years, Theresa Shaffer has been a constant presence in the institution. Born and raised in Olean, Shaffer graduated from Archbishop Walsh High School. She then enrolled at St. Bonaventure and immediately began working at the university library…

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Celebrating St. Francis


By Gavin Lindahl Contributing Writer “We throw around these terms, ‘Franciscan this, Franciscan that,’ but how many students can articulate that? How many students know what that really means?” Brother Kevin Kriso, O.F.M. and a Mt. Irenaeus friar, said Francis Week at St. Bonaventure promotes a greater understanding of Franciscan values. Every year, the school…

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Cafe LaVerna needs to improve efficiency

Margaret Seitz/ The Bona Venture

By Alexandra Salerno Editor-in-chief It’s late, and I’m sitting in a big, comfy chair in my favorite LaVerna alcove. I’m trying to catch up on the homework I’ve been neglecting all week when I suddenly crave one of those chocolate chip muffins perched behind the glass at the coffee counter. I order, pay and sit…

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