staff ed – The Bona Venture

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staff ed

Prideful WolfPack shouldn’t forget good sportsmanship

in OPINION/Staff Editorial by

On Friday, Nov. 9, the St. Bonaventure basketball 2013-‘14 season took off with flying colors. The men played a solid game against South Dakota, winning 68-46, and the WolfPack was louder–and more disrespectful–than ever. The WolfPack has a reputation for being over the top with its intimidation antics and cheers, but the performance of some…

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Students should keep others’ health in mind during cold and flu season

in OPINION/Staff Editorial by

Seasonal illness is very much like sub-zero temperatures and slushy sidewalks: difficult to avoid and not fun in the slightest. And nothing’s worse or less fun than spreading the sufferings of the flu to the St. Bonaventure community. Though the Center for Disease Control says the widespread flu epidemic which has been harassing the United…

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Students should take note of QAC World AIDS Day event

in OPINION/Staff Editorial by
Image courtesy of stickershoppe.com

This editorial represents the opinion of The Bona Venture staff The first case of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) was discovered in the United States in 1981, and since then, the deadly disease has killed around 25 million people, according to greaterthanone.org. The disease has been around for more than 30 years, but that doesn’t…

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Students need to renew E2Campus subscriptions

in OPINION/Staff Editorial by

The best way to handle a situation is to be prepared. Take Hurricane Sandy for example, the Bonaventure community understood the gravity of the situation and had a plan to deal with it if it happened to strike here. Thankfully all the Bonaventure campus received was some high winds and a lot of rain, but…

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Student groups should be applauded for helping To Write Love on Her Arms

in OPINION/Staff Editorial by
Image courtesy of punkworldviews.com

In the true Franciscan tradition of St. Bonaventure, two student organizations, VOICES and SBU for Life, have formed selfless partnerships to help get SBU’s To Write Love on Her Arms (TWLOHA) chapter up and running. Both should be commended for their part in helping to bring a club with an immensely powerful message to campus.…

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