student government – The Bona Venture

St. Bonaventure's Student-Run Newspaper since 1926

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student government

Student government elections open from March 27 to March 31

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A poster bringing awareness to the upcoming SGA elections Photo Courtesy of Notice Board BY: DAVID SCIBILIA, NEWS EDITOR “It’s important for students to know they have a voice, and [SGA] is the voice of the students,” Katie O’Brien, the Vice President for Student Affairs said.  Elections for positions within St. Bonaventure University’s Student Government…

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Freshman Student Government Association Elections Starting Oct. 3

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The office for student government in the Reilly Center, Room 204 Steven Stutz / The Bona Venture stutzsa20@bonaventure.edu BY: DAVID SCIBILIA, CONRTIBUTING WRITER As the 2022-2023 school year starts up, Student Government Association elections for the freshman class are coming to the forefront of events. Although new to the St. Bonaventure campus, the SGA allows…

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BV advisor removed after policy issues

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On Wednesday night, The Bona Venture Editorial Board released a statement to explain why the paper will not appear in print this week and to report that long-time advisor Carole McNall was removed from her position as advisor. There are a few things the editors wish to clarify; the statement from last night was a…

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Stop the presses: Buff State student government oversteps authority


By Harrison Leone Editor-in-Chief On April 1, SUNY Buffalo State’s student-run newspaper, The Record, ran an April Fool’s edition. A cursory look at the online edition of the paper at Buffstaterecord.com revealed a funny, tongue-in-cheek and obviously farcical issue, with the title of the paper changed to “The Wrecked”, and a front page expose of…

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