students – Page 3 – The Bona Venture

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students - page 3

Back from break


How much can you stuff into your dorm room? Well, that depends on how you got to Bonas. While some students can pack everything in their car, others need to be more conscious of luggage regulations. Smithtown native Jennifer Eng, a sophomore journalism and mass communication major, flew out of New York City and into…

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Letter to the Editor: A poem from the Urban Art Club

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We honor and celebrate the life and tireless work of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Please remember, as this man demonstrated, your words are only a supplement of your spirit and your actions. As this piece shows, race and identity are significant to our past, constantly evolving in our present and will be…

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Keep life weird


Often, when I tell someone that I like music from genres like folk-punk or thrashcore, I get an odd look and some sort of comment on how weird that is. The common thought is that it is a negative thing to consume culture outside the mainstream. People react uncomfortably when they learn that someone has…

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A newsworthy welcoming


    We live in a digital age. This is a reality that The Bona Venture hasn’t taken advantage of enough. As we usher in a new semester, preparing to spend late nights in the newsroom, the quality of our print publication will continue to be a priority. However, our digital presence will no longer…

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Only one or two feet: Kenney was in a tough spot, but should have involved students


By Amelia Kibbe, Editor-in-Chief and Ethan Kibbe, Sports Editor   ST.  BONAVENTURE—If you happened to be scrolling through gobonnies.com last Friday afternoon, you might have seen a press release about new seating in the Reilly Center. If you weren’t, you might have missed it. But a few hours later, it would be harder to miss…

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Renew with resolution


The month of January means a lot of things: a new year, endless snow, and the start of the spring semester.  After a month of binge-watching Netflix series, it’s time to get back into the habit of balancing studying, working, eating, sleeping and socializing.  Although the jump between break and school can be abrupt, organizing…

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TLC celebrates quarter-century milestone


By Amelia Kibbe Features Editor St. Bonaventure’s Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) will celebrate its 25th anniversary this fall.  The center hopes to install new initiatives to attract a broader range of students. Dr. Gordon De La Vars, along with a panel of faculty members, established Bonaventure’s TLC 25 years ago this fall. Today, TLC…

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St. Bonaventure students present at NYC journalism history conference

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By Kiara Catanzaro News Editor Eleven St. Bonaventure students traveled to New York City to participate in a journalism history conference to discuss the role of advocacy in journalism.  The conference, on Saturday, March 8, was located  at New York University’s Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute. The students who presented at the conference included three…

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Students need varied housing choices


Even numbers not always the best option for dorm life Many things come in even numbers.  Noah packed his ark with animals paired by twos.  Cars have four wheels.  Eggs are packed by the dozen. However, this is not ideal for Bonaventure’s housing options. Adding more variety to the housing options would reduce pre-housing application…

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Raising questions of class participation


By Amelia Kibbe Features Assignment Editor St. Bonaventure is known for its small class sizes. One of the aspects the school considers most appealing is the student-to-professor ratio. Because of this, students need to participate more often in class. Many of the classes I currently take are largely discussion-based. Professors assign reading for homework and…

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University launches update for MySBU

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By Hannah Gordon News Assignment Editor Students noticed a change when logging on to the St. Bonaventure student portal website this week. On Monday St. Bonaventure updated the My.SBU.edu website to complement the updates made to the university’s website last semester. Despite the evident change in design, some students barely noticed a difference. “I saw…

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Creating avenues of adventure


By Emma Zaremba Features Editor The list of activities for students on weekday afternoons and weekends is far from endless. Few opportunities are available on campus and the Bona Bus’ Walmart/Allegany route doesn’t satisfy boredom for long. It’s time for Bonaventure to spice up the nightlife for its students. The addition of a second Bona…

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Women’s studies program looks to expand


By Alexandra Salerno Advisory Editor Despite St. Bonaventure’s overall admissions declining (fall 2013 total enrollment was 2,259 down from the previous year’s 2,336), its small women’s studies major has seen a growth in declared students since 2011, when there was only one minor and zero majors. The program currently holds one first major, one second…

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Survival of the smartest


By Jackie Roberts Staff Writer Attention all Bonaventure students! An epidemic spreading around campus is causing students to sport bags under their eyes and cramping fingers and take sporadic napping cycles at the library. For some, this epidemic will strike during Reading Day tomorrow. For others, it has already begun. There is hope, however. This…

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Schools need to keep healthy food instead of dishing out empty calories


By: Deirdre Spilman Associate editor  Beggars cannot be choosers. Sadly, some schools have trouble grasping this concept. Schools across the country are abandoning the federal lunch program because students are scoffing at the healthy options and it’s causing schools to lose money. School districts that rejected the program say the reimbursement received was making up…

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Father Bob ends extraordinary journey at Bona’s


By Mary Best Editor-In-Chief Fifty-eight years ago in the St. Bonaventure University chapel, Father Robert Struzynski, O.F.M., began his journey to becoming a Franciscan friar. On May 15, Father Bob will retire to St. Anthony Friary in Butler, N.J., concluding an extraordinary journey at Bona’s. As a member of the Holy Name Province, Father Bob…

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SIMM offers real-world experience

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By Kristie Schiefer News Assignment Editor Students in Money Management (SIMM) is putting the money in the hands of its members while they gain real-life experience. SIMM is an investment club where more than $500,000 of real money is traded, including part of the university’s endowment. Run differently than similar programs at other schools, adviser…

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Honors program fails ‘best and brightest’


By Samantha Berkhead Managing Editor For a high school senior, an additional letter of acceptance into a university’s honors program accompanying their initial acceptance letter can make or break a college choice. Many incoming freshmen at St. Bonaventure choose to come here because of its honors program. The program’s website touts itself as a “singular…

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Bonnies share stories of love and loss through meaningful tattoos


By Tate M. Slaven Staff Writer Accomplishing the look of a rebel in today’s society can be especially difficult.  Even polite businessmen wear earrings and ponytails, and it’s not surprising to find that there are many college students who are tattooed. Josh Martin, a freshman sports studies major, has three tattoos. With all his tattoos…

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Bona’s needs better parking options


By Heather Monahan Features Assignmnet Editor There’s no doubt St. Bonaventure is a small school compared to others. However, Bonaventure takes the small size a bit too seriously. For example, the absolute mess that is student parking. I’ll start with the ridiculousness of designated parking. When I was a freshman, the lot near the tennis…

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