students – Page 4 – The Bona Venture

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students - page 4

Friedsam Library celebrates 75 years in the books


By Jackie Roberts Contributing Writer For decades, the Friedsam Memorial Library has been a hideaway for stressed Bonaventure students running on caffeine and adrenaline. The building is not only a place for students seeking silence and solitude, but also symbolizes the Franciscan values held so dear to the Bonaventure community. Tami Attwell, library secretary, raved…

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Bona student’s service project to connect generations

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By Kristie Schiefer & Stephanie Jenkins News Assignment Editor & Contributing Writer Recognizing the age gap between younger and older generations, senior Alex Henry hopes to emphasize the link between the two through faith and spirituality with her service project, “Bridges: One Generation to the Next.” Henry’s project will conclude with an event at 6:30…

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Students react to professors joining the Twitterverse


By Heather Monahan Features Assignment Editor In this day and age, it’s rare to find a college student who isn’t on Twitter. However, with its multiple functions, more professors are joining the site as well. Jim Mahar (@BonaResponds), associate professor of finance and BonaResponds coordinator, said he joined Twitter in 2008. “I joined early on…

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Bonnies blog about life


By Alexandra Napoli Staff Writer “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you,” Maya Angelou once said. Telling stories and sharing ideas are things everybody does. Publishing ideas is no small feat, but St. Bonaventure students have found a way to post their stories and ideas with a click of a…

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Out-of-state students reflect on Bonaventure weather


By Heather Monahan Features Assignment Editor Bonaventure students from Western or Upstate New York are typically acclimated to the weather Bonas experiences during the winter. However, out-of-state students who are used to warmer weather take notice and have different reactions to the arctic temperatures and flurries of snow. Will Vossler, a sophomore accounting major originally…

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Sandy hits East Coast, affecting the homes and families of Bonas students


By Kerri Linsenbigler Features Editor   When Hurricane Sandy hit the East Coast, nearly 8 million people lost power, according to CNN. The high winds and rain sent trees crashing down while rivers and creeks flooded. In the hardest hit areas of New York City and New Jersey, the ocean waves spilled over onto land,…

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Thank you note session offered students a chance to show gratitude to donors

in OPINION/Staff Editorial by
Image courtesy of burnsmcdmedia.com

This editorial represents the opinion of The Bona Venture staff. When a high school senior starts the long process of picking a college, one of the first things they look up about each school is the tuition. Tuition and board at St. Bonaventure is $38,617, according to the St. Bonaventure website. Needless to say, most…

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Students need to put away mobile technology in class


By Matt Butler Associate Editor With the rise of mobile technology and expansion of wireless data networks in recent years, it seems nearly everyone possesses a smart phone or similar device capable of tasks like social networking and sharing videos. As a result, we are becoming increasingly connected on a global scale never before seen…

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Bonaventure’s appeal stretches coast to coast


By Heather Monahan Assistant Features Editor Eighty percent of college students stay within a three- hour range of their home, said Thomas Iwankow, associate director of admissions. However, the Bona Bubble is home to students from more than 30 states. The newly enrolled students at St. Bonaventure this fall, both freshman and transfers, come from …

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Teacher strike selfishly hurts students

image courtesy of blog.heritage.org

By Elizabeth Grady Promotions Editor Chicago public school students began their first day of school Wednesday, seven days late. A teacher’s strike in the third-largest school district in the U.S. prevented 405,000 students from returning to Chicago’s 675 schools, according to the Chicago Public School’s website. Teachers picketed over an extended school day, job losses…

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Senior Showcase


By Elizabeth Pray Staff Writer Some students had more on their minds than Spring Weekend plans over the last few weeks. Fifteen students fulfilled their Honors Program requirements with presentations in Plassmann Hall to an audience of students, faculty and staff April 18-24. Francesca DiCillo, a senior English major, chose to do her project, titled…

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App-ealing to students


By Elizabeth Grady Promotions Editor Recognizing the increasing presence of smart phones in the hands of college students, the Office of Communications created a blog that reviews apps for students. According to Kait Laubscher, intern at the Office of Communications, the SBU App Review provides in-depth app reviews  for students by students. Student reviewers Laubscher…

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Students, faculty and staff honored at annual Spring Awards ceremony

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By Nate West Assistant News Editor The university held its annual Spring Awards ceremony in the Regina A. Quick Center for the Arts today. Richard Trietley, vice provost for student life emceed the event. Brother Basil Valente, O.F.M., director of the integrated marketing communications program, opened the ceremony with the invocation. Sister Margaret Carney, O.S.F.,…

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