Thanksgiving – The Bona Venture

St. Bonaventure's Student-Run Newspaper since 1926

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People need to remember Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving table turkey decoration

BY ERICA GUSTAFSON, OPINION EDITOR After the spooky season of pumpkin carving, costumes, candy, scary movies and numerous parties, this year’s Halloween celebration has sadly come to a close. Right beside the season’s end, I have seen my TikTok feed change from Halloween costumes to Christmas music and decorations in the blink of an eye.…

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There are many joys to the fall season

in OPINION/Uncategorized by
Small child playing in the fall leaves

BY MAX MCAULIFF, STAFF WRITER The leaves beginning to change and the weather growing colder can only mean one thing, fall is upon us. While the days grow shorter, colder and darker, there is a different feeling in the air. The cold air is crisp and nips at any exposed skin, reminding one that it…

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Ministry Center holds Thanksgiving dinner

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During the short Thanksgiving Break at St. Bonaventure University, many students plan to head home to spend time with their families and friends. Some drive to other states, some travel to different countries and some need not go far at all. Others, however, end up staying on campus or in the Olean area, and it…

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Warm outfits with fall colors


By Jenna Cosentino, Staff Writer Thanksgiving is less than a week away Since the holiday approached this quickly, you probably haven’t thought about what you’re going to wear, if you’re anything like me. Not everyone celebrates Thanksgiving the same. Some people might have a giant family dinner at a relative’s house or an intimate family…

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Talking politics at family dinner


With Thanksgiving last week and Christmas fast approaching, many Bonaventure students have been able to head home and spend some time at the dinner table, eating quality meals with their families. Although these holidays are supposed to be an opportunity to spend good times with their relatives, the election is still fresh in many American’s…

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Thanksgiving fashion inspiration


By Simone Robinson Staff Writer Take your personal style to new heights this holiday season with our guide to the perfect Thanksgiving Day outfits, featuring fashion-forward pieces for formal and informal events. Casual Love An off-the-shoulder sweater in colors like champagne and red wine will create a subtly sexy ensemble for the season. Add a…

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Give thanks


Emily Mulcahey Opinion Editor   Thanksgiving: a day to appreciate (especially if we’ve been away from home) finally seeing our families to eat some delicious grub and to be thankful for what we have. But, with Black Friday starting before dinner time, Christmas just around the corner and whatever the family feud of the week…

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Not just turkey


By Marissa McCall Contributing Writer It’s almost that time of year again to take a short break from schoolwork and enjoy stuffing and turkey with family. Thanksgiving is rich in tradition, dating back to the Pilgrims and the Native Americans giving thanks for their blessings. Victoria Soler, a sophomore political science major, said her family…

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Leave room for turkey


By Amelia Kibbe Features Editor Although the date of Christmas has never changed in its centuries-long history, Americans begin buying gifts earlier each year. This causes holidays such as Thanksgiving to take a backseat. The commercialism of Christmas needs to stop overpowering the importance of Thanksgiving. Two days before Halloween, I went to Walmart with…

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Friends, not foes


By Hunter Sameulson Staff Writer For years, critics have argued that Thanksgiving is a holiday of hypocrisy and lies. They believe it has dark historical roots dating back to the European invasion that culminated the death of millions of Native Americans. The lies and hypocrisy behind Thanksgiving is a lie itself. According to Dr. Karen…

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Leave room for food


By Lauren Zazzara Staff Writer Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and I am anxiously awaiting the opportunity to eat a boatload of home-cooked food with my family. But what is one to wear for a meal in which he or she is inevitably going to end up with a massive food baby? Have no…

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Boycott premature sales to save Thanksgiving


By Mary Best Opinion and Advisory editor  There’s nothing like Thanksgiving at my house-the smell of a turkey baking all day, the beheading of the butter lamb and satisfying my weird obsession with canned cranberry sauce. It’s a holiday consisting of parades, dog shows, eating, relaxing and visiting with family. This year, consumerism almost destroyed…

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Bonnies grateful for Thanksgiving break


By Amelia Kibbe Staff Writer   The end of the semester may only be a few weeks off, but many St. Bonaventure students have not yet shifted their focus to studying. Instead, they are looking forward to their upcoming Thanksgiving breaks. Thanksgiving is fast approaching, and many students are anxiously counting down the days until…

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’Tis (almost) the season


By Majella Shields Staff Writer   Hi all, and welcome to this week’s Fashion Focus. I can’t believe we are coming to the end of the first semester. It has gone by so quickly. Time really does fly when you’re having fun. As the semester comes to a close, this means one thing — Christmas…

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Don’t skip Thanksgiving to get to Christmas


By Emily Sullivan Opinion and Associate editor  I love Christmas time. There’s nothing quite like watching the snow fall onto the lights outside my house while listening to Bing Crosby croon some Christmas carols. But when stores go from spooky decorations and costumes to Christmas trees and Santa decorations before Halloween is even over? I…

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Violent Black Friday madness needs to stop

Image courtesy of ymig.com

By Matt Butler Associate Editor The United States is certainly an interesting country. After a day of spending quality time with family and friends and celebrating the things in life one is most thankful for, individuals flock to various retail outlets such as Wal-Mart or Target and fight one another in attempts of snatching bargain…

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Bonaventure students share their Thanksgiving traditions


By Alexandra Napoli Staff Writer   The importance of holiday traditions is more than the family simply getting together to have dinner and give thanks. Traditions, Thanksgiving ones specifically, are about uniting with the ones you love and having something to bond everyone together. As years go on, unique traditions are created or tailored to…

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