Titanic – The Bona Venture

St. Bonaventure's Student-Run Newspaper since 1926

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‘Avatar’ director should focus on quality over cashflow


By Kevin Rogers Assistant Opinion Editor James Cameron is poised to dethrone George Lucas as the “Biggest Money Grabber in Film History.” James Cameron, looking to make a guaranteed multi-billion dollar empire off his 2009 hit “Avatar,” has announced his plans for building the world of “Avatar” on the big screen. Cameron is filming two…

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Titanic sails back into theaters


By Heather Monahan Staff Writer Rose may have let go, but “Titanic” fans never did. Fans have been able to relive the excitement of the movie with the recent re-release of the 1997 film in theaters. But this time, it’s supposed to be an enhanced experience with 3-D effects.             However, Bonaventure students…

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Twitter revamps tragic Titanic sinking

image courtesy of wordpress.com

By Mary Best   Opinion Editor      “OMG the Titanic is sinking…those third class peeps better not steal all the lifeboats #firstclassproblems.”     Ever wonder what it would be like to have Twitter in 1912? Thanks to ambitious U.K. history publisher The History Press, anyone with a Twitter account will be able to find out.…

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