to-go containers – The Bona Venture

St. Bonaventure's Student-Run Newspaper since 1926

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to-go containers

The Spring 2013 Razzberries


The Day the Music Died Award goes to the Campus Activities Board for leaving us to drink whiskey and rye without a Spring Concert. The Fee is Too Damn High Award goes to the administration for forcing students to exemplify the Franciscan tradition of poverty by imposing a new graduation fee. The Pens and Needles…

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Please, to-go containers, don’t go


By Matthew Laurrie Features Editor I’m declaring To-Go Container-gate at Bona’s. Approximately three weeks ago, I gleefully bounced into the Reilly Center Café after class to order my usual Buffalo chicken wrap, but to my utter shock and horror, I discovered the RC had abolished to-go containers. Frankly, I was so distraught I couldn’t even…

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