United States of America – The Bona Venture

St. Bonaventure's Student-Run Newspaper since 1926

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United States of America

Washington, D.C. should not become a state

in OPINION/Uncategorized by

By Andrew Kruszka, staff writer On Monday, a United States House of Representative committee tried and proposed a bill to make Washington D.C. the 51st state in the union. This seems a bit outrageous since the last state to enter the union would be Hawaii in 1959. Earlier that year, Alaska was the 49th state.…

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Keep making the United States great

in OPINION/Uncategorized by

“Pardoning the bad is injuring the good,” is a phrase uttered by Benjamin Franklin more than 230 years ago and still holds truth in today’s United States at large. The World Report places the U.S. eighth on the Overall Best Countries Rankings in 2019. With a population of 325-million American citizens and the greatest economy…

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