university president – The Bona Venture

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university president

University president involved in lawsuit

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Photo courtesy of Steven Stutz/The Bona Venture stutza20@bonaventure.edu BY CASSIDEY KAVATHAS, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF, and HADLEY THOMPSON, NEWS EDITOR Jeff Gingerich, president of St. Bonaventure University, has been named a defendant in a civil lawsuit regarding alleged wrongful termination of an employee at The University of Scranton. As provost at Scranton, Gingerich participated in the termination of…

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DePerro dedications still under consideration by university

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By Tom Seipp, Managing Editor On the campus of St. Bonaventure University, grief continues to be felt across the school with the loss of university president Dr. Dennis DePerro. Since DePerro’s passing on March 1, the university has done an abundance of memorials in honor of its 21st president. Most notably, the basketball teams wore…

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Campus representatives discuss appointment to presidential search committee

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By Julia Mericle Managing Editor The St. Bonaventure University Board of Trustees named five campus representatives to the presidential search committee Tuesday, appointing those in campus leadership roles to represent the opinions of the student body, faculty and staff. Pauline Hoffmann, dean of the school of journalism and mass communication, said she was pleasantly surprised…

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Board of trustees names presidential search committee

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By Julia Mericle Managing Editor The St. Bonaventure University Board of Trustees announced the presidential search committee members today, completing the first step of the presidential search. Trustees chose James Meyer, a board member, and Leslie C. Quick III, an emeritus board member to co-chair the search committee. Meyer, class of ’76 and ’79, acts…

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